Tag der offene Tür / Open Studios
Kunst ist zu sehen von Ria Penders,Christine Ludwigs, H.J. Hack, K.P. Kremer, Ines und Christoph Hasenburg, Karl-Heinz Löbach, Karin Dombusch, Karin Lurch, Annette Preiß, und […]
Continue reading »Thinking about art and making art
Kunst ist zu sehen von Ria Penders,Christine Ludwigs, H.J. Hack, K.P. Kremer, Ines und Christoph Hasenburg, Karl-Heinz Löbach, Karin Dombusch, Karin Lurch, Annette Preiß, und […]
Continue reading »My one-woman exhibition, ‘Vielfalt im Augenblick’ [Diversity in the blink of an eye], is open from November 2016 through mid-January 2017. [This is the Artist’s […]
Continue reading »I think one reason we love portraits, is that we see them as portrayals of the essence of a person. And yet a photograph can […]
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